Audit rules and why Understand and be familiar with the following audit rules, you can know what goinception roughly does.
Note : The rules listed below may not cover all the functions currently implemented by goinception. What specific rules are included must be summarized and discovered during use. At the same time, you can learn about these rules in detail in conjunction with configuration parameters.
Syntax Support syntax description use db Check if the db exist是, need to connect to the server. set names charset Only support this set command create database Create database create table Create table alter table Alter table drop table Drop table truncate table Truncate table insert Insert rows update Update rows delete Delete rows inception command sets Show processing list
. Show osc processing
, setting config and review level. user command sets Create/modify/drop/grant/revoke
user when turn on the safety login.
rules Check item Check option If table exists default If column exists default The column which must be insert. check_insert_field The list of column must by insert. default The number of insert columns must equal the insert fields. default Return error if insert NULL to the column cannot be NULL. default Can not insert duplicate column fields. default
, Delete
rules Check item Config option table must exists. default Must use where check_dml_where Prohibit limit check_dml_limit Prohibit order by check_dml_orderby Show warning when the effect rows more than 10000(can setting the number by max_update_rows) max_update_rows Check Where details. default All tables and columns in SQL must exist. default The number limit for insert values max_insert_rows When update with multi-tables, if do not set prefix, auto match. default Multi-tables in one SQL, check if column use in ambiguity default Set Multi-tables in one update, rollback SQL also support. fefault Use explain to estimate the effect rows or use select count to get the really counts of rows. realRowCount,explain_rule Set sql_safe_updates sql_safe_updates Review if has on subquery in join multi-tables. check_dml_where Check if use implicit type conversion. check_implicit_type_conversion Check use comma or and
in update set default
rules table option rules Check item Config option If table exists default If database exists default For create table like,check if the liked table exists. default The length of [table/column/index] name cannot be larger than 65 byte. default Object name must be upper. check_identifier_upper Object name can contains [a-zA-Z0-9_] check_identifier Object name can not use keywords. enable_identifer_keyword Chartet limit enable_set_charset,support_charset Collation limit enable_set_collation,support_collation Storage Engine limit enable_set_engine,support_engine If can use partition table enable_partition_table Only one auto_increment column default Only one primary key default If table must have primary key check_primary_key If table must have comment check_table_comment tables have at least one column. default The columns which tables must have. must_have_columns The length of the table comment can not overflow default Prohibit the use of syntax create table as. default Prohibit use Foreign key enable_foreign_key
column option rules Check item Config option If enable to set the charset of column. enable_column_charset If enable column is any type of collect, enum, bitmap. enable_enum_set_bit If columns must have comments. check_column_comment If the length of char is more than 20, you need to change type to varchar. max_char_length If enable column is BLOB/TEXT. enable_blob_type If enable column is JSON. enable_json_type Can not have duplicate column name in one table. default Only date type can use auto_increment. default Prohibit use unavailable prefix for schema name or table name. default If enable not null for every column. enable_nullable If enable column is timestamp enable_timestamp_type If the column is timestamp, it must have a default value. check_timestamp_default If the column is datetime, it must have a default value. check_datetime_default Prohibit two column are timestamp. If they are datetime, then can not set for DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
check_timestamp_count,check_datetime_count Only timestamp or datetime can use on update default on update express only can use CURRENT_TIMESTAMP default Suggest use float/double instead of decimal check_float_double
Index rules Check item Config option Index must have name enable_null_index_name Unique index must start by uniq_
as a prefix. check_index_prefix Index must start by idx_
as a prefix. check_index_prefix The number of columns in an index can not be more than 5. max_key_parts The limit for the number of columns in primary key. max_primary_key_parts If the primary key must be int or bigint. enable_pk_columns_only_int The number of indexes in a table can not be more than 5. max_keys Index must build on an existing column. default Can not have duplicate column in an index default Indexes can not build on the BLOB column. default The length of index can not more than 767 or 3072, depends on innodb_large_prefix
of mysql default Index name can not be PRIMARY default Index name can not be duplicate. default
rules Check item Config option auto_increment
must be 1 when create table. check_autoincrement_init_value If the name of the auto_increment
column is not id, then the column may have physical meaning, do not do like that. check_autoincrement_name The type of auto_increment
column must be int
or bigint
. check_autoincrement_datatype auto_increment
column must be unsigned
. enable_autoincrement_unsigned
Default rules Check item Config option BLOB
column can not have default value. enable_blob_not_null If return error, when default value is NULL
but the column type is NOT NULL
, or the primary key, or auto_increment
column. default JSON
column can not use default value. default Expect the column of auto_increment
/primary key
/calculate column
, every column must have default value. check_column_default_value
rules Check item Config option create index same as create
rules Add column same as create
rules Default value same as create
rules Check storage engine same as create
rules Check charset same as create
rules Check collation same as create
rules If table exists. default Multi-alter on one table will be merged. merge_alter_table If column exists. defalut table option only support change storage engine/ comment/auto_increment value/charset
. default If enable change column enable_change_column If enable modify the order of columns check_column_position_change If enable modify column type. check_column_type_change
Tips SQL review base on mysql 5.7, if any questions, please help us to fix by issue commit. Last Updated: 7/7/2021, 11:19:31 PM