# function description

Customize audit level for setting the audit error lever error_level.

  • 2 is error, force probit
  • 1 is warning, weak probit, can by ignored by the setting ignore_warnings.
  • 0 is correct.

# check levels

inception show levels;

check demo

inception show levels like '%blob%';
inception show levels where value=2;
inception show levels where `desc` like '%index%';

Option List

# Setting audit level

inception set level er_no_where_condition = 2;

# Configuration file


Options: 0,1,2

er_alter_table_once = 1
er_auto_incr_id_warning = 1
er_autoinc_unsigned = 1

# deno:limit delete must contain where

1.turn on where audit option

inception show variables like '%where%';

inception set check_dml_where = 1;

turn on where audit

2.setting where audit level is (2)

inception show levels like '%where%';

inception set level er_no_where_condition = 2;

setting where audit level