# gh-ost
- gh-ost is built-in GoInception. No additional installation. About Stop, Pause, Recover are contained in GoInception command.
- Support calling gh-ost in binary mode, the parameter switch is
, please refer to theosc_bin_dir
parameter of pt-osc for usage, if this parameter is not specified, it will still be called with the built-in gh-ost.
# Options
gh-ost tool Option check in inception show variables like 'ghost%'`;
inception show variables like 'ghost%';
Modify in two ways:
- one at
inception set
inception set osc_check_interval = 10;
- another one at config.toml, and start by
# Process command
# check osc process
inception get osc processlist;
results return:
test_inc | t1 | alter table t1 add column c33 int | *E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F | 9 | 00:36 | Copying test_inc .t1 : 9% 00:36 remain |
# check specific osc process
inception get osc_percent '*E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F';
results return:
test_inc | t1 | *E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F | 49 | 00:14 | Copying test_inc .t1 : 49% 00:14 remain |
# stop specific osc process
need to remove auxiliary tables manual
inception kill osc '*E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F';
-- or --
inception stop alter '*E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F';
# pause specific osc process
inception pause osc '*E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F';
-- or --
inception pause alter '*E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F';
# recover specific osc process
inception resume osc '*E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F';
-- or --
inception resume alter '*E53542EFF4E179BE267210114EC5EDBEF9DC5D8F';
# reuse pt-osc options
Options | default | type | description |
osc_critical_thread_connected | 1000 | int | correspond to --critical-load中的thread_connected |
osc_critical_thread_running | 80 | int | correspond to --critical-load中的thread_running |
osc_max_thread_connected | 1000 | int | correspond to --max-load中的thread_connected |
osc_max_thread_running | 80 | int | correspond --max-load中的thread_running |
osc_min_table_size | 16 | int | Switch set,if value is 0, all ALTER will use OSC.if values is not 0, only the table size more than the values, use OSC. unit in MB,table size = select (DATA_LENGTH + INDEX_LENGTH)/1024/1024 from information_schema.tables where table_schema = "dbname" and table_name = "tablename" |
osc_print_none | false | bool | If value is 1, do not print. If values is 0, print osc output in inception result error sets. |
# Option descriptions
Option | default | type | description |
ghost_on | false | bool | gh-ost swtich |
ghost_bin_dir v1.2.5 | '' | string | gh-ost binary path |
ghost_aliyun_rds | false | bool | Ali rds database label |
ghost_allow_master_master | false | bool | If gh-ost can run in Dual master structure, with option -assume-master-host |
ghost_allow_nullable_unique_key | FALSE | bool | If gh-ost can depend on Unique key in NULL when migrate.Default unique key can not be NULL.If yes, data will inconsistency in migration. |
ghost_allow_on_master | TRUE | bool | If gh-ost can run on Master.Default on Master |
ghost_approve_renamed_columns | TRUE | bool | If support to change column name.Default false. |
ghost_assume_master_host | string | Gh-ost Maser db addr (hostname:port or ip:port).Default gh-ost connect to Slave. | |
ghost_assume_rbr | TRUE | bool | When the server that gh-ost connect binlog_format = ROW, can use -assume-rbr to probit run stop/start slave on Slave and the user of gh-ost don't need super privileges. Warning: avoid any effect to live db, set true. |
ghost_chunk_size | 1000 | int | The row number in each loop.Default 1000. Range in [100, 100000] |
ghost_concurrent_rowcount | TRUE | bool | If value is true(default), estimate table rows by explain select count(*) after row-copy,and reject the time of ETA. If value is false, gh-ost will estimate table rows first and then row-copy. |
ghost_critical_load_hibernate_seconds | 0 | int | Reach critical-load , in sleep. |
ghost_critical_load_interval_millis | 0 | int | if the value is 0,exit immediately when reach the -critical-load . If the value is not 0, wait -critical-load-interval-millis when reach -critical-load and check again, if reach again, exit. |
ghost_cut_over | atomic | string | The type of cut-over: atomic(default) use github algorithm. two-step use facebook-OSC algorithm |
ghost_cut_over_exponential_backoff | FALSE | bool | Wait exponentially longer intervals between failed cut-over attempts. Wait intervals obey a maximum configurable with 'exponential-backoff-max-interval'). |
ghost_cut_over_lock_timeout_seconds | 3 | int | The lock wait timeout when cut-over stage, when timeout, will retry. Default 3. |
ghost_default_retries | 60 | int | Retry times before panic at many actions. Default 60. |
ghost_discard_foreign_keys | FALSE | bool | For foreign key table, gh-ost create will not contain the foreign key. Only use for remove the foreign key. |
ghost_dml_batch_size | 10 | int | How many DML in one transaction. Range in [1,100]. Default 10. |
ghost_exact_rowcount | FALSE | bool | Exactly estimate table rows by select count(*) . |
ghost_exponential_backoff_max_interval | 64 | int | Maximum number of seconds to wait between attempts when performing various operations with exponential backoff. (default 64) |
ghost_force_named_cut_over | FALSE | bool | When true, the ‘unpostpone |
ghost_force_table_names | string | table name prefix to be used on the temporary tables | |
ghost_gcp | FALSE | bool | Google Cloud support. |
ghost_heartbeat_interval_millis | 500 | int | Gh-ost heartbeat values, default 500ms. |
ghost_initially_drop_ghost_table | FALSE | bool | If check and delete a existing ghost table. Warning: do not use it in live env, maybe delete the ghost table in a running gh-ost. Manual check and delete. |
ghost_initially_drop_old_table | FALSE | bool | If check and delete old-table when start gh-ost. Warning: do not use it in live env, maybe delete the table in a running gh-ost. Manual check and delete. |
ghost_initially_drop_socket_file | FALSE | bool | Gh-ost will force delete the existing socket file. Warning: do not use it in live env, maybe delete the socket file of a running gh-ost. |
ghost_max_lag_millis | 1500 | int | When slave latency more the the value, gh-ost will throttling. Default 1500ms. |
ghost_nice_ratio | 0 | float | Sleep time at each chunk time. Range in [0.0...100.0]. E.g: 0: no sleep; 1: bewteen each row-copy 1ms, sleep 1ms; 0.7: bewteen row-copy 10ms, sleep 7ms. |
ghost_ok_to_drop_table | TRUE | bool | If drop old-table, when gh-ost finished. Default true |
ghost_postpone_cut_over_flag_file | string | Cut-over stage will be delayed when this file exists until this file is deleted. | |
ghost_replication_lag_query | string | Check latency by show slave status Seconds_behind_master. If use pt-heartbeat, sql = SELECT ROUND(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - MAX(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ts))) AS delay FROM my_schema.heartbeat | |
ghost_skip_foreign_key_checks | TRUE | bool | Skip foreign key check, default true. |
ghost_throttle_additional_flag_file | string | Gh-ost will stop immediately when this file is created.Used to stop all gh-ost executions. Delete this file, recover all gh-ost executions. | |
ghost_throttle_control_replicas | string | List all slaves which need to check why latency. | |
ghost_throttle_flag_file | string | Gh-ost will stop immediately when this file is created. Used for control single gh-ost execution. --throttle-additional-flag-file string used for muil-execution. | |
ghost_throttle_http | string | The --throttle-http flag allows for throttling via HTTP. Every 100ms gh-ost issues a HEAD request to the provided URL. If the response status code is not 200 throttling will kick in until a 200 response status code is returned. | |
ghost_throttle_query | string | Flow check at every minute. When the value is 0 , don't need throttling. When the value >0 , need throttling. This query will run on a migrated server, please keep it lightly. | |
ghost_timestamp_old_table | FALSE | bool | Use timestamp in old-tablename, keep unique name |
ghost_tungsten | FALSE | bool | Tell gh-ost running in a tungsten-replication structure |